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How To Background Check for Staff

A supervisor’s step-by-step guide for staff background checks

Step 1

Identify if a position is critical and subject to a background check

  1. Upon completion of a new job description or update/change of an existing job description complete the Background Check Worksheet.
  2. Work with Talent Acquisition (or the appropriate hiring authority for non-staff positions) to determine if a background check is necessary.
  • If the position is determined NOT to be critical, the hiring process or new assignment of duties may proceed.
  • If the position is determined to be critical, continue to Step 2 (provide candidate with proper forms).

Step 2

Provide candidate with proper forms

Step 3

Schedule Live Scan appointment

Schedule an appointment for the candidate to conduct the Live Scan. 

The hiring department is responsible for the cost of any background check.

NOTE: Departments do not have to use the Live Scan services provided by UCM PD, however you do have to provide the ORI and mail code information from UCM PD to receive the Live Scan information.  This is required by the Department of Justice and FBI.  Please use the Request for Live Scan Service form provided by UCM PD that includes this information.  For a list of other locations for fingerprint services please visit the California Department of Justice website.

Step 4

Results notification

Upon obtaining the results of a background check, the appropriate hiring authority will contact the hiring department.

  • If the individual meets the hiring criteria the department will be notified and the hiring process or new assignment of duties may proceed.
  • If the individual does not meet the hiring criteria, the hiring department head along with the AVC for HR will determine if the department shall make the final appointment based upon the guidelines of the Background Check Procedure.

NOTE: All UC Merced employees who receive access to background check information obtained from the DOJ and/or FBI or a background check agency must first undergo a background check themselves and complete training. Recipients of DOJ and/or FBI information are required to maintain confidentiality and only share information with authorized individuals in accordance with University, Department of Justice, and FBI regulations. Penalties for improper and unauthorized disclosure of background check information may include criminal prosecution as authorized by California Penal Code §§ 11140, 11142, and 11143, including termination of employment for just cause.


Notify UCM PD when an incumbent in a critical position leaves that position.

The California Department of Justice and FBI provide subsequent arrest records to institutions when a Live Scan has been conducted on an individual.  When an employee leaves a critical position we no longer have a need to receive such information.  It is the responsibility of the department to notify UCM PD to remove such employees from this service.

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