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Transfers and Prior Service Credit

Types of Service Credit

Retirement Service Credit
Retirement service credit is earned whenever a member of the retirement system is on pay status and receives "covered compensation" for an eligible appointment. Retirement service credit includes all time worked at the University of California in an eligible appointment. In general, an eligible appointment is at least 50 percent time for one year or longer. The maximum service credit a member can earn for one year of full-time work is one year. Part-time or variable-time work results in a proportionate amount of service credit; for example, a member who worked 50 percent time for one year receives a one-half year of retirement service credit. Service credit is not earned for overtime or other work outside the normal, regular appointment.

Employment Service Credit
All University of California, DOE Laboratories, and State of California service (including service with the State Universities and Hastings College) at 50 percent time or more is counted to determine an employee's employment service credit. Periods of leave with pay, military leave, and leave without pay due to a work-incurred injury or illness are included when calculating length of employment service. Periods of leave without pay are not included when calculating length of employment service.

Intercampus Transfers

Transfers between UC locations include transfers between UC Merced and any of the following UC locations:

  • UC Campuses, including Berkeley, Davis, Irvine, Los Angeles, Riverside, San Diego, San Francisco, Santa Barbara, and Santa Cruz.
  • UC Laboratories, including Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Lawrence Livermore National Lab, and Los Alamos National Lab.

Retirement Service Credit
Retirement service credit automatically follows an employee transferring from one UC location to another. To verify your total retirement service credit, sign on to At Your Service and select "UCRP and CAP Balances"  view your current years of UCRP service credit. If you believe that your retirement service credit is incorrect, please contact the Benefits Office.

Employment Service Credit
Employment service credit will also follow an employee transferring from one UC location to another. When UC Merced learns that an employee is transferring from another campus, the Payroll Office contacts the employee's former campus and requests employment service and benefits information to be included in the employee's file.

When an employee transfers from one UC location to another, the benefits enrollment process is different than for new employees. For intercampus transfers, you may not sign up for benefits online but must instead use a UPAY 850 Enrollment Form. You must also sign up for the same benefits at the same coverage amounts you had while you were at the prior UC location.

For other benefits, the following applies:

  • HCRA: The Benefits Office coordinates with your prior UC location on your annual contribution amount.
  • DepCare: The Benefits Office coordinates with your prior UC location on your annual contribution amount.
  • Retirement Savings Programs: The Benefits Office coordinates with your prior UC location on your Maximum Annual Contribution. For restarting your payroll deductions into your 403(b) or 457(b) accounts, please contact Fidelity Retirement Services at 1-866-682-7787 and tell them that you are a UC transfer and need to "re-accept" or change your payroll deduction. Please note that going online may not be sufficient to restart your payroll deductions after a transfer.

Prior UC Service   

If you have prior service with a UC location and had a break in service before coming to UC Merced, you must take action in order to ensure that your service credit is correct in the UC Merced Payroll/Personnel System:

  • Retirement Service Credit: To verify your total retirement service credit, sign on to At Your Service and select "Retirement Estimates." Scroll down until you see your current years of UCRP service credit. If you believe that your retirement service credit is incorrect, please contact the Benefits Office.
  • Employment Service Credit: Complete the Request for Verification of Previous Employment and forward to your prior UC location for verification of your previous employment.

Transfers Between State of California Agencies and University of California

Transfers between state agencies and the University of California include transfers between UC Merced and any of the following agencies:

  • California State employers
  • California State University
  • Attorney General’s Office
  • other California agencies

Retirement Service Credit
Retirement service credit does not automatically transfer with you when you transfer to UC Merced from a CalPERS agency. The University of California Retirement Plan (UCRP) and the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) have a reciprocal agreement for UC or CalPERS members. The reciprocal agreement applies to those who join UC or CalPERS within 180 days after leaving the other system’s (UC or CalPERS) employment. UCRP/CalPERS reciprocal agreement can affect service credit, highest average plan compensation (HAPC), and the formula used to calculate disability, retirement, and/or death benefits under each system.

To determine whether you are eligible for reciprocity between the UCRP and CalPERS, read the UCRP/CalPERS Reciprocity Factsheet. If you believe that you are eligible for reciprocity, complete the UBEN 157 Election of Reciprocity Form in the UCRP/CalPERS Reciprocity Factsheet and return to the address noted on the form.

Employment Service Credit
To determine whether your state agency employment service can be used to increase your vacation accrual rate or transfer all or part of your sick leave balance, please complete a Request for Verification of Previous Employment and forward to your prior employer for verification of your previous employment.

Prior State Service

If you have prior service with a state agency and had a break in service before coming to UC Merced, you must take action in order to ensure that your service credit is correct in the UC Merced Payroll/Personnel System:

  • Retirement Service Credit: Contact the Benefits Office at 209-228-2363
  • Employment Service Credit: Contact the Benefits Office at 209-228-2363 to request a Request for Verification of Previous Employment form, which you can complete and forward to your prior state agency for verification of your previous employment.